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Animation Flower GIF by Nice Try Collective-downsized_large.gif


nice try collective presents


director: Pia Graf


Pomona, a forest goddess, performs at a rave with the demon elves of the forest. But things don’t go according to plan…



director: Julia Müller


The parasites on Pomonas skin become inoxicated with the mystical sap that came from her lovers lips.

Animation Lips GIF by Nice Try Collective-downsized_large.gif


director: jack zhang


Feeling distraught and lonely after the interrupted rave, Pomona is about to embark on a crazy journey and unleash the true nature of the flower headset......

Animation Manga GIF by Nice Try Collective-downsized_large.gif
nicetry logo.gif

We are three animation directors who decided to team up under the name Nice Try Collective. We love making short films, music videos and idents.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 13.41.37.png
Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 13.42.04.png
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